Leo men....is it a turn off for you when a woman tries to make you jealous?

2016-07-19 12:50 am
Doesn't matter what zodiac sign she is. But I've ready most leo men get jealous really easily and assume their girl crush is a cheating type, true?

回答 (2)

2016-07-19 4:22 am
yep they do. leo likes to feel they own their partner so they watch them closely. their possessiveness comes from insecurity most of the time so a truly confident leo will not be insanely jealous.
2016-07-19 3:52 am
I am an Aquarius girl and the guy I am talking to is a Leo. Not only will he not let me break down his walls but he seems jealous in a passive aggressive type of way. I went to the movies a couple times with one of my girlfriends and he assumed it was with a guy. Lord help me -__-

and honestly its not just leos that get turned off! aquarius get hella turned off that its almost comedical.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:19:43
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