Friend Tells Me I Need to Find a Guy?

2016-07-18 4:09 am
I've been single for a while but talking to guys. My friend who's known her husband for over 20 years tells always tells me I need to find a guy.

She said her neighbor probably talks behind her back saying her husband cheats on her-because he's out of town traveling a lot. I found this to be an odd comment. Especially since I've suspected it also. I felt she might've been fishing for an answer from me.

She said she has another friend who's married and feels she can relate to her cuz she's married.

It seems to me like my friend is insecure with her marriage and likes to put the spotlight on me saying I need to find a guy.

Am I seeing this correctly? I haven't said anything to her. However, should I tell her not to tell me what to do with guys?

回答 (1)

2016-07-18 4:16 am
yes you should --- be polite but firm

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