Best compliment to seduce a leo?

2016-07-17 9:41 pm

回答 (21)

2016-07-18 10:00 am
2016-07-18 4:04 am
Personally compliments won't do anything. Backrubs and other such things will. God I love backrubs.
2016-07-17 11:42 pm
2016-07-18 8:41 pm
I am a Leo and it's very offending when they say we are seduces by compliments I have 5 more brothers who are Leos and no one gives a sh*t about compliments we seek for a partner we truly love not some girl who will seduce us. We find it a low kind of girl who doesn't have respect to herself. We choose our queen. We know if a girl is seducting us or not, we prefer a queen we choose we make out choice as kings. What sign are you anyway?
2016-07-19 8:25 pm
loving them soul mate is Leo aug 19th
2016-07-18 11:18 pm
Drop your phat booty pants ...morals and class aren't high on their list....neither is telling the truth
2016-07-18 12:47 pm
Just give them a feeling they are special to you and dont disturb their ego and give gifts occasionally,and be truthful
2016-07-18 1:10 am
I don't know, I guess I never understood why everyone thinks that once you're a Leo, they are looking for compliments. I guess I'm different. I went on a few dates with a girl a couple of months ago (Taurus), she kept complimenting me about how good looking she thought I was, and I literally lost interest in her. Maybe it's just me, I don't like being worshiped.

Anyhow, as long as the compliment is sincere and it specifies something personal about them or something that they are working hard towards, that is seduction to them. Because they'll love that you noticed something about them that they were trying hard for people to notice. It doesn't necessarily have to be a superficial compliment either. Be sure to tell them how it makes you feel about them. That works.
Examples are maybe they are going to the gym more often to be more fit or they play a sport, their clothes or their hair etc. Just listen to them and observe their behavior and the way they are talking about something and go from there. Not every Lion will fall for the same compliment. It needs to be personalized. They like to feel like they are one of a kind.
BUT whatever you do, don't overdo it...or maybe that's just me.
參考: Dated other Leos in the past...Trust me, this works.
2016-07-17 10:22 pm
You are so beautiful and say it with a big smile

Leo crave attention so give her / him a special treatment
2016-07-21 1:02 am
My oh my, what big hands you have!
My oh my, what nice hair you have!
2016-07-20 4:20 pm
Wow you are so manly!
2016-07-20 7:40 am
Tell them your true feelings in a good way.
2016-07-19 11:52 pm
I like your hair
2016-07-19 5:08 pm
Astrology is nothing more than an elaborate scam to take your money.
2016-07-19 3:51 pm
Just roar, they'll immediately like you.
2016-07-19 1:11 am
Keep admiring them
2016-07-18 7:40 pm
Write them a book
2016-07-18 10:21 am
You are the world of my dreams you are my life
2016-07-18 7:24 am
2016-07-18 2:05 am
"You're really good at *whatever they like to do*"
2016-07-17 10:23 pm
"you look sexy with your hair pushed back" :) if you get the reference

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