Can an image's pixels be used as an actual camera lens, that is can they be electronically made to act like a camera lens?

2016-07-17 11:36 am

回答 (5)

2016-07-17 5:11 pm

Pixels is a unit of measurement. The lens is an optical piece of hardware.
2016-07-17 9:52 pm
That would be like cooking a hamburger in a pan and then asking if the burger could function as the pan.
2016-07-17 2:01 pm
Lens don't work in pixels. Lens are analogue - they transfer light. Only sensor works in pixels.
2016-07-17 11:48 am
Not in the way I think you mean
In Camera terms - (eg an 8 megapixel camera) a pixel means the smallest unit of input. It will react with a single output - if you were to focus more of the picture onto it, it could only give a single composite output.

think of it this focus a black dot onto it........the pixel outputs a black dot
focus a picture of a number (for example, 6) onto the single pixel and it can only give a dot out..... which would probably be a shade of grey representing the black parts and the white parts of the number
2016-07-19 2:14 am

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