My Bougainvillea is not blooming anymore?

2016-07-17 11:22 am

I had my Bougainvillea like 3 months ago, it was full of flowers, but in a couple of weeks all what I have is just green leavs. PS: I like in Kuwait, its almost 50 C degrees during the day. So I am giving it water every day. or day after day! What am I missing here? Please help

回答 (6)

2016-07-18 11:14 pm
According to Torstar Books of Living with Houseplants---Flowering Plants: the followings are its green thumb guide for growing bougainvillea;
Watering and feeding==Always water and mist it with Lime-free water. Lime in the water can cause a nutrient deficiency problem, resulting in discolored leaves. Keep the plant well watered in the growing season. Decrease watering as the flowers begin to fade, and through the winter give just enough to keep the soil from drying out. When the plant starts to grow again in spring, increase the watering. Feed with diluted water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season, but not at other times of year.
Light and temperature==Whether kept on a windowsill, in a sunroom or on an outside balcony, it must have bright light and plenty of sun if it is to reach its full flowering potential and produce richly-colored bracts. Four hours of sunshine a day is the ideal. During the summer growing season, keep it at a temperature of 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit. In the winter rest period, a slightly lower temperature is best, but never below 45 to 50 degree Fahrenheit.
Soil and repotting==Use a standard peat- or soil-based potting mix for a full-grown plant. Pot cuttings in three parts of potting mix to one part of coarse sand or perlite. Repotting fast- growing young plants in spring when new shoots appear. Repotting older, mature plants only when really necessary.
In view of the above, I think the reason of loss of blossom of Bougainvillea might be more or less due to the high temperature of Kuwait and also the application of too much nitrogen fertilizer as required.
2016-07-18 8:59 pm
As I understand them and have them in my yard...they bloom when most mistreated. Don't water so much and have it in a huge pot. I live where it is hot too and they seem to thrive here. Don't give it so much care unless you have it in one of those pots with the mulchy dirt that dries out so quick. Put it in lousy dirt. They don't bloom all the time. Let it rest for a bit.
2016-07-17 5:51 pm
They will bloom more in cooler weather, in my experience. In my very hot climate they are often most colorful in the fall through spring.
2016-07-17 1:30 pm
try giving it more sunlight. and do not water it as much. you may be over watering. every other day only
2016-07-17 1:39 pm
you may need to give water......check any insects there......
best way is to call a farmer or to call your loal agricultural officer. inform them your problem........they can advise you in this respect.
hope this help
2016-07-17 11:22 am
I'm sorry

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