Does my beard make me look more authoritative?

2016-07-17 9:09 am

Don't mock me you damb dirty apes!

回答 (6)

2016-07-17 9:13 am
It is very distinguished Charlton, but very obviously fake.
參考: I'll give you my fake beard when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.....
2016-07-17 9:11 am
You'll need to hide the straps. Have you considered gluing it on?
2016-07-17 9:58 am
No, no! It makes you look older.
2016-07-17 9:36 am
Nope. It makes you look homeless.
2016-07-17 10:59 am
Not if our beard has rice, has some dirty split at it and its look like never been comb before. :)
2016-07-17 11:20 am
In certain cultures it does. In most it won't.
Being Jewish, Muslim and Sikh; beards matter but it's a perception so created by the followers but not by theology.

What matter the most is your piety and you're having awe of Almighty.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:28:14
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