How to find theta in 0 =5cos(theta) - 6sin(theta)?

2016-07-17 5:16 am

in the intervals [-2pi,2pi]

回答 (3)

2016-07-17 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
5cos(theta) = 6sin(theta)
1 = 6sin(theta)/5cos(theta)
1 = 6/5tan(theta)
5/6 = tan(theta)
theta = arctan(5/6)
... I think this part way how to do it. I don't know how to put it into radians....
2016-07-17 5:28 am
0 = 5cosθ - 6sinθ
6sinθ = 5cosθ
sinθ/cosθ = 5/6
tanθ = 5/6
θ = 0.6947 or θ = (π + 0.6947) or θ = -0.6947 or θ = -(π + 0.6947)
θ = -3.8363, -0.6947, 0.6947, 3.8363
2016-07-17 5:28 am
5*cos(theta) = 6*sin(theta) =>
tan(theta) = 5/6 =>
theta = 39.8 degrees, 219.8 degrees, etc. ...

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 16:25:37
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