Did I offend him? Or does he just not want to visit me?

2016-07-16 1:55 am
I've been dating a new guy for a few months. He lives 1.5 hours away. He lives with roomies, but I live by myself so I invite to to spend the night when he visits on weekends.

I told him today, "are you coming over tomorrow?" followed by, "by the way, it's ok if you don't want to spend every weekend with me, I understand if you'd rather spend it with friends etc"

he said: "hmmm. honestly i'm a little embarrassed. i may have invited myself to your place tomorrow. I didn't realize we didn't talk about it. we can meet for dinner later since you're taking an exam near my city"

I was confused... trying to think back if he mentioned hanging with me this weekend -he didn't.

he then insisted on meeting up at the mall to watch a movie and grab dinner.

回答 (3)

2016-07-23 6:40 pm
2016-07-16 2:04 am
no he is not offended and he does want to visit you from what i read he thought he was already coming to see you dont over think things
2016-07-16 2:00 am
Calm down he probably just misinterpreted what you said about understanding if he wants to hang with friends. He doesn't want to intrude or overstay and he may have thought you were passive aggressively telling him he was staying over too often. It's okay not to spend the night every weekend. Sometimes it's good to have a small break and just hang then go home.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:18:51
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