Why cant i get rid of this,am i bi?

2016-07-15 11:26 pm
Im a male 17 yr old. Ages months ago I developed an ocd about being gay/bi. It wirsens depending on how im feeling classic ocd. If im depressed about it, its bad. It started with worrying about getting aroused over muscular guys. When i don't worry and am positive its at its least but when depressed at its worst. I feel like i get aroused over it sometimes, with ocd im driven in a cycle of fear. I reckon ive had ocd for about 3 years, just different topics. Its more a fantasy I think my head is filled with gay fabtasies about muscular men. I recall last year a bit, but I didn't desire in real life to hook up with a muscular guy, only girls, i dont want to penetrate a muscular man. But when im at the gym, positive i see ripped dudes and dont get aroused. Im really confused. I kept thinking id get aroused by rubbing a mans chest, it was a paranoid fantasy. So i rubbed my own chest several times with oil in the mirror. I didn't really obtain arousal from it. I got a very slight semi because rubbing with oil, has a sexual nature but i now know I wouldn't get aroused doing it to another man and defo not with ocd gone away. The ocd has gotten worse but i try not to think of it. Am i bi? Or is it ocd, fantasies, hormones and confusion? Please help this really deoresses me, I didn't have this bs before I started excessively obsessing so don't start with this denial bs

回答 (6)

2016-07-25 3:02 am
Don't listen to the above anonymous post. He's an ignorant fool. You may be bisexual. You might be straight. You could be gay. It sounds like hormones, experiencing being a teenager. You are probably straight. Possibly bi. See a councellor for depression. It'll likely be an older women given your gender and age, so you will find it easier to talk to them, and ask her about this stuff. Don't be afraid to discuss this with a medical proffessional, it's all confidential.
2016-07-15 11:38 pm
You're 17 so the hormone overload in your body will make you have those thoughts from time to time. You are not gay or bisexual, so please stop worrying about it.
2016-07-15 11:30 pm
That is not OCD. What you are describing is more like "ruminations" when you can't stop worrying about something.
2016-07-16 1:48 am
Go to an endocrinologist and have your hormone levels tested. You probably just have insufficient testosterone or something and a dr. can correct that for you.-----------------
For help with autism, ADD, ADHD, OCD and other disorders, read the book Healing and Preventing autism by Dr. Kartzinel.
2016-07-16 12:18 am
i didn't read the whole thing, but if you're gay/bi don't worry about it. it's 2016, it's no big deal.
2016-07-15 11:31 pm
Watch some gay porn and if you start getting stiff then you are gay

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