do u think theres a reason everyone on the internet is so angry? discus?

2016-07-15 2:55 pm
even the simplest comment can lead to a death threat its actually crazy what people can say when hidden behind a screen

回答 (6)

2016-07-15 4:22 pm
The world gets nastier and nastier as morals dissolve
and issues that are mental illnesses are condoned and normal.
People also have lost power and control even over their own lives.
To get power they hide on the net.they are under the false impression They are anonymous which adds to it.
2016-07-15 3:52 pm
I'm concerned about what seems to be a negative trend, at least in the US. I don't know how things are going all over the world.

I remember a long time ago you had radio shows where people would call to express their opinions - some fairly intelligent, some stupid. You would sometimes hear "cranks" - people who would rant, use the show for practical jokes, people who said things that couldn't go on the air, were generally disliked by the audience. I've seen a rise in the number of cranks. For one thing, cranks now have their own radio shows and a shockingly high popularity.

This is fueled by people who think it's good business to promote hate speech and by forums with so-called moderators who only want to promote their own views and like angry people who support them.

The only thing you can do is follow the advice of Mark Twain - "If you argue with a fool, an observer will have a hard time deciding which of you is the fool." Some places have to be abandoned to the cranks. Look for places where you can express your opinions in a reasonable way. Also, don't get worked up at all the nonsense you see. If somebody makes good on a death threat and kills you (an extremely unlikely outcome!) at least you'll be in a world without cranks.

Take reasonable security precautions. There are things you can do to frustrate hackers. Don't be paranoid, but educate yourself.

Here's a simple trick. Google Chrome works on a "sandbox" principle. Places you go to with GC can't make permanent changes on your computer unless you download something.
2016-07-15 3:26 pm
It's everyone in the world. Think about the stuff you see on tv. Video games music. You can watch murder and rape on cable as a child. Stuff that would have been R rated or not even released in the past.
2016-07-15 3:25 pm
How can you tell their mental state. they can well be pretending to be angry and I am quite sure not everyone there is this way. How do i know that you are not the angry one, which might be for a good reason.
2016-07-15 3:20 pm
Sometimes to attack others, because letting them go about in their own opinions might ruin society.

Sometimes to spread their views, and to show how angry (or concerned) they are for society's current state.

At other times, to attack others just for fun, or a mixture of these three reasons.
參考: My experiences. I used to worry about people, and get mad at them for their beliefs, that I wasted much time on finding out about them.
2016-07-15 2:59 pm
Maybe it's the stress and desire to be noticed, wheather it's in a good way or a bad way

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