how to open the 3rd eye?

2016-07-15 9:47 am
ok so i was reading in a book about the 3rd eye. and it can let u see spirits , equality , and future and past , and it can be dangerous if you used it wrong. so i want to ask. how to open it? and how many days does it take to open? and why no one is interested in the 3rd eye?

回答 (9)

2016-07-15 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
It takes many years of meditation.

American journalist Elizabeth Gilbert in her true story "EAT PRAY LOVE" describes her experience of god she had while deep in meditation:

“ As a reader and seeker, I always get frustrated at the description in spiritual memoirs of experiencing god. From the Buddha to Saint Teresa to the Sufi mystics to my own Guru—so many great souls over the centuries have tried to express what it feels like to become one with the divine, but I’m never quite satisfied by these descriptions.

After rigorous practice of meditation I have finally found out. What I experienced is indescribable but I’ll try to explain anyway:

Simply put, I suddenly got pulled through into what I knew was the Absolute, I could understand the workings of the universe completely. It was as if I left my body, I left the room, I left the planet, I stepped through time and I entered the void. I was inside the void, but I also was the void and I was looking at the void, all at the same time. The void was a place of limitless peace and wisdom. The void was conscious and intelligent.

The void was God, I was inside God, I was part of God. In addition to being God, I experienced being both a tiny piece of the universe and exactly the same size as the universe.

It wasn’t hallucinogenic, what I was feeling. It was the most basic of events. It was heaven - it was the deepest love I’d ever experienced, beyond anything I could have previously imagined, but it wasn’t euphoric. There wasn’t enough ego or passion left in me to create euphoria and excitement. It was just obvious. Like when you’ve been looking at an optical illusion for a long time, straining your eyes to decode the trick, and suddenly your cognizance shifts and there—now you can clearly see it!—the two vases are actually two faces. And once you’ve seen through the optical illusion, you can never not see it again."
2016-07-15 10:26 am
It depends on if it is the Holy spirit which does it at Gods will, or the spirit of sin / Kundalini to take you spiritually captive By Satan his minions and his earthly kingdom of witchcraft Illuminati satanic \m/afia
2016-07-15 10:02 am
Why is no-one else interested?? Because it's mystical horseshit, that's why. Try opening the two actual eyes you have and look around you - you may actually learn something.
2016-07-15 9:50 am
Pull your pants down and spread your cheeks. I hope this helps.
2016-07-15 9:54 am
There is no such thing.
2016-07-15 12:33 pm
DO NOT even think about doing this.You have no idea of the dangers.Mind control and opening doors to Satans kingdom of darkness and demonic forces can wreck havoc with your life.Promote Gods kingdom on earth and NOT Satans.Study the word of God and Jesus.Your choice.
2016-07-15 12:13 pm
Put a dot of henna between your eyes, like all the silly buggers that confuse gestalt perception with mystical intuition.
2016-07-15 11:38 am
Hard to control, hard to practice plus take a long times to achieve it makes people away from it. If you want to practice it at least you must know the risk and know what is the third eye is all about. With meditation and study about it, maybe you can achieve it but yes my friends, there is a risk. Not just a risk but really big risk. You can lost your family and friends, you can lost time and energy. Too many things we must sacrifice and do you think it really help you in the future? My advise is please think twice before you do it. Meditation is just for recreation my friends but still with it you can go more further in this world. So its up to you. :)
2016-07-15 10:17 am
Flathead screwdriver

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