Have muslims ever heard of car bombs?

2016-07-14 11:22 pm
I think muslims should study the IRA campaign

The IRA could have killed thousands of people in a week if they wanted to so if these guys adopted the IRA strategy they could easily maximise civilian casualty without even getting caught or dying! These terrorists are just so amateur and idiotic it hurts to watch

回答 (20)

2016-07-15 8:57 am
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So true.

Before then ceasefire in early 1990s, IRA were more dangerous, more terrifying and more sophiscated than ISIS. They were bigger than Mafia, same size as ISIS when you take in the numbers of Irish communities abroad. IRA did a hell lot more of bombings in UK than ISIS did theirs in the whole of Europe. The world was once in great awe of IRA as they not only did terrorism, also specialised in espanage, heists, intelligence theft, etc. They did most of the biggest heists in UK and Europe. They targeted mostly British-owned banks, art galleries, museums, etc. They stole lots of gold bars, paintings and even crown jewels as well. IRA had all their numerous moles working quietly in British & foreign police, FBI, CIA, and even in banks and Civil Service, as they were that intelligently well-organised. As Irish were everywhere globally, IRA had their underground headquarters in UK, USA, Germany, Australia, Brazil, and also in Britain's commonwealth countries too.
They were in the business of stealing billions. I am sure the IRA today have been laughing hard at the small-scale attacks by ISIS in Europe. What happened in France looks all very unplanned and amateurish. It is definitely not IRA style. IRA usually put in more drama than that.

Car bombs are nothing to IRA bomb makers. They are easy enough to train Irish terrorists' kids in assembling them. IRA are usually more advanced than that stage of making car bombs. In days before ceasefire, they had made miniscule bombs to fit inside letters, box of chocolates, books, etc. There had been too many victims of letter bombs, some today. Google that. In Northern Ireland, you should never be too quick to open letters, even if they look like utility bills, bank statements, etc.
2016-07-14 11:30 pm
Of course Muslims have heard of car bombs. I have dealt with them. Resources.
2016-07-14 11:28 pm
You have a childish idea of how easy it is to build a "car bomb."

Unlike guns, we actually trace large amounts of explosives and it is more difficult than you think to just mix up explosives.
2016-07-16 7:53 am
They seem to be doing okay, with Trucks and planes, and blowing up those planes.

Actually, a few of their car bombs failed to go off......one , most famously in Times Square in New York.

The bomb fizzled out, and did not detonate.

The hijacking 4 planes thing....worked pretty darn well as I recall .
2016-07-14 11:39 pm
They use them all the time in Iraq

At one point it was a daily occurrence in Baghdad
2016-07-15 12:28 am
I have heard of car bombs... I am also Muslim.

I'd you'd be so kind, please explain what relevance my awareness of the object 'car bomb' has to my, or indeed almost any Muslim person's life.
2016-07-14 11:26 pm
Without even getting caught or dying? Hmm, they kinda want to die. Some kn0bhead has told them there's virgin fairies waiting for them in the next life.
2016-07-15 1:40 pm
Iran was training the IRA in how to make bigger and better Car Bombs

I was EOD and IED and the new Bombs were Extremely dangerous and we needed to destroy them in many
cases disarming is always a better Option

there is hardly a street in bagdad that has Not had a car bomb explode
2016-07-14 11:31 pm
Ever notice how Muslims drive.. very poor,., and STUPIDLY
2016-07-14 11:36 pm
Isis, Taliban, al-qaeda, etc use car bomb regularly
2016-07-15 12:26 am
Over 70 dead and over 100 injured in Nice, thus far. I would say this one was pretty damn effective....

2016-07-14 11:37 pm
Salam Yes we Muslims often hear of car bombs which wounded so many innocent people.It is haram in Islam just like suicide
2016-07-15 3:43 pm
The IRA DID kill thousands a week - mainly by kidnapping and murdering them.

You need to get out more and read better books, kid.
2016-07-16 5:47 pm
2016-07-15 9:45 am
Oh no.What is that?Do enlighten me please lol.
2016-07-14 11:25 pm
Why would anyone want to blow up civilians in the first place?
2016-07-14 11:24 pm
Thanks for SHARING, dear.
2016-07-14 11:24 pm
they have bomb dogs but no truck dogs
2016-07-14 11:23 pm
No one accused terrorists of being the brightest bulb in the building.
2016-07-14 11:26 pm
Where were you when Timothy McVeigh was packing the truck. He was a Muslim right?

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