Write a report analyzing the Articles of Confederation?

2016-07-14 3:13 pm
The Second Continental Congress of colonial delegates was organized in 1775 and functioned as the first government of the United States. The Congress issued the Declaration of Independence and wrote the Articles of Confederation.

The Articles of Confederation served as the first confederation among the thirteen states but faced overwhelming problems. Write a report of 200 words that highlights the specific problems created by the weakness of the Articles of Confederation. It would be helpful to think about how these problems led to an ineffective government.

回答 (3)

2016-07-14 3:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress recognized the need to establish guidelines for a new government. Congress’s overriding concern was to insure that the government was not a strong centralized body similar to British Parliament. With that in mind, the Articles of Confederation were drafted and adopted, providing the structure for governing the new nation. Unfortunately, the limitations of the Articles of Confederation became readily apparent soon after their implementation.

Strengths and weaknesses listed below.


2016-12-24 10:04 pm
參考: Work as a Writer http://givitry.info/WritingJobsOnline
2016-07-14 3:16 pm
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