Do I have to register to vote in California by law, or do I have a choice not to register? Just a little confused over here?

2016-07-14 2:13 am
I got a letter today saying "California law requires that all eligible citizens must register if they wish to exercise their right to vote" then it also mentions "If not, we will follow up to encourage compliance if you wish to vote" I don t like they phrased that

回答 (3)

2016-07-14 2:15 am
Just as it says, if you wanna vote you gotta register. Following up to 'encourage compliance'--I don't know what that means, and I agree it sounds little ominous. I think it just means you get a letter or a phone call asking you 'Don't you want to vote? Register now!'
2016-07-14 3:24 am
Are you sure it came from somebody official? Most election authorities I know in my state wouldn't dream of phrasing a letter that way. Of course, California is a little bit bigger on encouraging people to vote than in my state where the legislature would prefer that the average person didn't vote.
2016-07-15 5:30 am
That sounds like something a candidate or political party might send out, not a government body. Is there any thing on the letter indicating who sent it? If you want to vote in elections then you need to register.

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