Hi! what is overclock? Is it safe to overclock your CPU ?

2016-07-13 11:15 pm

回答 (4)

2016-07-13 11:43 pm
Overclocking is making the object (in this case a processor ) run at a faster rate than it was designed to run at. This is done by adjusting voltage rates. This in turn produces more heat, which wears out the CPU faster and can cause failure. Safe?/// For you it is, for your computer, not so much!
2016-07-14 12:22 am
Overclocking just means you're forcing a component to run faster than the manufacturer's specs say.

Often this requires the user to add more power (like the amount of voltage the CPU uses for example.) this in turn creates more heat, which in turn requires more robust cooling solutions. For CPUs, not all CPUs can be overclocked, and of those than can, not all of them overclock equally well. For example if you have two i5 4670k CPUs, one of them might be able to overclock to 4.8 Ghz and the other might top out at 4.6 Ghz, it's the luck of the draw. My i7-4790k is not a good overclocker. I can only get it be reliable/stable at 4.7 Ghz with a H100i GTX cooling it. Other people have hit 4.9 Ghz with lesser cooling solutions. But on the flip side, my previous CPU, an i5-2500k was able to hit 4.7 Ghz on air cooling which was quite good. If sure that if I had gotten a custom loop for it, 4.9 Ghz (or more) would've been doable.

Is it safe? If you know what you're doing and are conscientious of what a reasonable amount of voltage is, and what kind of cooling you need, then yes it's pretty safe. I've overclocked every desktop CPU I've owned in the last 15 years or so and I've never had one die on me. But certainly there are risks involved and if you haven't done you research and/or aren't sure what various settings in your BIOS/UEFI do, then you can easily ruin a CPU and/or motherboard.
2016-07-13 11:42 pm
Overclocking means forcing a part, usually a CPU or Graphics card, to run faster than it is designed to run.

For example, my FX 8350 runs at 4.0Ghz stock. I can force it to to run at 4.5Ghz by overclocking it.

OCing is a huge risk. You can seriously damage your hardware if you push it too far and don't know what you are doing.

Since your CPU is running faster than it is supposed to, it will generate more heat, which will require better cooling systems. Also, Overclocking can/will reduce the lifespan of your hardware, so keep that in mind.
2016-07-13 11:16 pm
yes that just means more cooling power than is technically needed.

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