Is the 9-5 work day a real thing? Those sound like great hours. If I were to be an engineer can I expect hours like that?

2016-07-13 10:25 pm

回答 (7)

2016-07-13 10:44 pm
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The 9 to 5 work day is rather rare, and often means you eat lunch at a desk while working.
2016-07-22 5:14 pm
If you are working 9-5, you are probably a low wage hourly grunt. Anyone with a decent qualification will be salaried, with a nominal 40 hour week, but will be expected to work the hours demanded by the job. The guys who arrive at 9:01 am and scramble for the door at 5:01 pm never get promoted, and are still sitting in a cubicle doing grunt work at age 60. See "Wally" in the Dilbert cartoon strip.
2016-07-14 1:48 am
When you are starting out as an engineer, you are more likely to have to put in about 50 hours per week (not 40); when you've been on the job for a while, and if you're good at your job, you may be able to trim your hours towards 40.
2016-07-14 12:23 am
Yes, it's rare. I work 10-4 but then I'm an old timer in another field.
2016-07-13 11:25 pm
It's more of a metaphor for putting in a mundane 8 hour day. If you're an engineer, you'll put in a lot more time than 8 hours/day unless you have a mundane paperwork job.
Many companies have flex hours which means you can set your working hours, within reason.
We have people that come in a 5am and leave at 3 to 4 pm. I come in at noon and leave at 10 to 11pm.
2016-07-15 2:34 am
For me I keep my mind working on a project pretty much all the time. Sometimes I sit behind my desk, but otherwise I can watch a movie, go on a hike, and when I've solved my problem I write it down.
2016-07-14 3:57 am
yes, it depends on the company too. but you can keep looking and find an engineering position that can match these hours.

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