What engineering textbooks (first year) can I find online for free?

2016-07-13 5:22 pm
I'm in electrical engineering at U of O and I start this fall but I want to get ahead a bit this summer and read ahead. Is there any courses that have a textbook available online for free? If so, where could I find it? Thanks

回答 (4)

2016-07-15 3:06 am
email your professor and ask what books he recommends. If you don't know send a letter to the Freshman advisor in your department. He'll be a prof and let you know.
2016-07-13 9:38 pm
Try a used book store but there are no current free textbooks online.
2016-07-13 6:13 pm
Same question, same answer - all of the free textbooks you will find online are going to be outdated, if not archaic.
2016-07-13 5:28 pm
Please understand that there are many U of O's in this world. Work on math

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