Why do I feel this way?

2016-07-13 10:19 am
I can't be bothered to get out of bed in the morning,always wake up earlier even though WANT to start my day early and go to gym like I used to.
feel hopeless in general, often I spew out the food right after chewing it but I was never called fat,my waist is slim. In general I just can't see a point in doing something,working for something,striving as it all leads to being left alone and even more work

回答 (3)

2016-07-15 5:00 am
A few days ago, you said that you had cut down on your smoking and that you were taking your exams. It's understandable that the stress of exams and a lower level of nicotine in your system would be making you very unhappy. Why not wait until you're finished with exams, then quit smoking?

Things that help include an antidepressant, Zyban (bupropion).

In my experience with a nicotine patch program, I was reasonably comfortable during the program. (Patch only - no smoking allowed.) I felt like smoking but I wasn't afraid that I'd start smoking again. At the end of the program, I started to crave, so I made a smaller and smaller patch size, cutting off 2 millimeter slivers, which extended the program about a month and a half.

Nicotine is one of the chemicals like heroin that's truly addictive, that is, it makes you take more to get the same effect. It's very common for people who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day to cut their smoking down to just a few, like 2 or 3, and then gradually increase their smoking until they're back to their old habit. It's virtually impossible to smoke in moderation, and you're wise to quit completely.
2016-07-13 12:53 pm
What has caused you to feel this way?
2016-07-13 10:56 am
you're probably depressed..i feel almost the same anyway so

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