Can you get introuble with the police if you put rubbish on someones car or property?

2016-07-13 4:53 am

回答 (7)

2016-07-13 8:55 am
If you put rubbish on someone's property and are caught, you will be charged with littering.

If you put it on someone's car, then you could be charged with littering and possible vandalism.
2016-07-13 7:43 am
Of course.
2016-07-13 7:10 am
Yes. And if that rubbish causes damage to their car, you could also be taken into civil court and have to pay to repair those damages and cleanup costs.
2016-07-13 6:14 am
NO , if it IS THEIR rubbish on YOUR property .
2016-07-13 5:50 am
Yes, you can get in trouble.

For starters that's littering and vandalism. Most likely a misdemeanor if no damage is caused to the property and cleaning cost is low; but it could be upgraded to felony if you are found to be harassing the victims making them fear for their safety.
2016-07-13 5:12 am
I got in trouble for taking a dump on my neighbors car. I thought she would like it.
2016-07-13 4:56 am
Most likely.

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