In 72 hours the amount of a radioactive substance has reduced from 40 mg to 20 mg. What is the half-life of this isotope?

2016-07-13 4:07 am

1) 12 hours 2) 24 hours 3) 36 hours 4) 8 hours 5) 72 hours

回答 (5)

2016-07-13 8:51 am
Fraction of the isotope remained = (20 mg) / (40 mg) = 1/2

Hence, time taken = 1 half-life = 72 hours
Half-life of this isotope = 72 hours

...... The answer is : 5) 72 hours
2016-07-13 4:08 am
What is a half life? That will give you the answer.
2016-07-13 6:34 am
72 hours is the half life.
2016-07-13 4:50 am
72 hours.
2016-07-13 4:33 am

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