Finally Who Will Get South Sea ,In “The Republic of Philippines v. The People's Republic of China” This Case ?

2016-07-12 1:28 pm

回答 (2)

2016-07-13 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
China by right of military might. Philippine military is a joke because they are a corrupt people with a national low IQ average of 80. That's why they are still a third world sinkhole 70 years after World War 2.

Look up their military hardware. They don't have any fighter wings in their air force. Mostly aging helicopters from the Vietnam War era and 2 refurbished C-130 Hercules transport planes. Neighboring Indonesia and Vietnam can easily defeat the Philippines in a modern war since they have advance modern fighter jets and tanks.

Some foreign court entity's ruling won't make any difference because military might overrules some foreign paper documents.
2016-07-13 1:31 am
Legally the Philippines The Philippines will
By a matter of force China will

I wonder why any person would accept the opinion of a person here that they have never met over the word of BBC

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