Best 6X9 speakers?

2016-07-11 11:55 pm
I want to upgrade my sound system in my truck. I have 2 5.25 pioneers in the front and 2 6X9 pioneers in the back. Im just going to replace the ones in the back for now and change the fronts in the future. My truck cabs pretty small so the 6x9s do most of the work while the 5.25 just put a little sound up front to balance it out. I dont care about the price because this is my everyday vehicle and i want to be able to go down the freeway listening to whatever at full blast with good clear sound. I have a sub with an amp and i dont want to add another amp. Just want 2 awsome 6x9 speakers that will run from my deck and rock the truck. I listen to everything. Thanks for the help.

回答 (4)

2016-07-12 10:35 am
Dear Clueless,

Putting a different pair of 6x9's in your truck is not going to gain you anything at all unless you're prepared to install an amplifier. It is your head unit that is the limitation here, not your Pioneer 6x9's. If you want loud clear music, the most expensive speakers in the world won't give it to you unless they are fed by an amplifier a lot more powerful than your head unit. What will happen is that in your misguided to play them "full blast", your low power head unit will start distorting to the point of "signal clipping" and very shortly thereafter - snap, pop, sizzle - blown speakers. Perhaps that's already what you've done to your present speakers. The only way to get distortion-free high volume is with more power, which means an amplifier. Period. End of argument. Case closed.

Now, in my opinion the best 6x9's are the pricey Hertz HCX-690's but the best budget bang for your buck are Polk Audio DB691's
2016-07-12 2:56 pm
So basically what you need is a 6x9 that performs well at low power.
I have always been impressed with Infinity/JBL as far as low power efficiency.

Even though these can handle a lot of power - I would expect them to work well with just the head unit running them:

Most of the 6x9's from the recognizable brands should perform reasonably well. To make the best decision you should just shop some local stores. Ask to hear as many 6x9's as you can on just HU power. That's the only way to make a truly informed decision. Only you know what sounds good to you.
2016-07-12 12:03 am
Depends how much power you are pushing, Chicken. The Kicker 40CSS694 sure would be a safe bet.
2016-07-11 11:56 pm

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