How long does it take to build credit history?

2016-07-11 7:50 pm
I'm 28, finished with college, great job, 30k saved... and I've never owned a credit card.

I've bought two cars with mom as a co-signer and never missed a payment, and have never missed a payment on my student loans. Otherwise, I have no history.

I currently rent a house my mom owns, but want to transfer to another city next year and will be looking into renting my own apartment. In another 3 years, I'll likely want to buy an apartment/house.

I forsee there being issues since I don't have any credit history. Do you know about how long it takes to build history?

coraann - I've been renting from mom for past several years. Obviously I'll get a recommendation from her. She would be my only reference. I can easily find an apartment to rent that's 1/3 of my gross income. Do you think I'll have a hard time finding a place to rent to me?

回答 (8)

2016-07-11 7:59 pm
You should have a credit history now. Both the cars and the student loans should have created one.
2016-07-12 10:34 pm
have you checked your credit score on any of the systems? if any of the loans you have paid off were in your name there should be some record of your payment history
but to establish credit you probably need to get a card and start using it
2016-07-11 8:05 pm
WRG is right. A benefit of student loans is their building credit histories for their borrowers. I'm a little surprised that, with that student loan, you needed co-signers for auto loans but, with those three, you should have a respectable score.

Also, don't be coy with lessor about who you're, "renting," from now. "I can give you a landlord reference but, this will effectively be my first place since I call my current landlady Mom." Anything else will be considered dishonest and could torpedo your chances of being offered a lease.
2016-07-11 8:02 pm
well congrats on a great start with that savings account. I hope you have it in a credit union because they pay more interest on savings and charge lower interest on loans. in the place you have your savings, see about getting a credit card with a $1,000. limit, use no more than 30% of the available credit and pay it off in full each month before the due date. never carry a balance, make sure you use it. You don't need more cards to build credit faster, just keep making payments on time. it can take 12-18 of on time payments to build up your credit score.
2016-07-11 7:59 pm
Get ONE credit card. Use it a bit every month and pay it off in full every month. Over time that will help your credit score.
2016-07-11 7:52 pm
2016-07-11 8:42 pm
if you ahve gotten loans, you should have no problems getting a credit card - just pay off any balance IN FULL every month
2016-07-11 7:56 pm
Years. A history of paying rent on time. Having a credit card and paying on time.
Having landlord references.
Your monthly income must be 3 times the amount of the monthly rent. You must show
2 weeks of pay stubs to prove it.
These are the requirements for renting an apartment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:16:35
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