I feel like I can't talk to anyone about my problems?

2016-07-11 4:48 am
I'm depressed and suicidal. I feel like I have nobody to talk to. Or more so, I have people to talk to, but that I don't want to burden them with my problems. The only person I'd ever trusted with my problems, my girlfriend, recently completely lost interest in talking to me. So I have no one. She still responds when I message, but states she isn't in the mood to talk. I respect her and go away after that. But now I have nobody to vent to or be comforted by. I feel so sad and lonely. I have other friends, but then they rant about how other people message them when they're sad and how annoying it is so I refrain from speaking to them. This isn't really that much of a question. I just needed to get this out somewhere. I'm so ******* sad and so ******* lonely and I miss my Girlfriend. Everything hurts and I just want to die. I tried talking to my dad and he just remained stoic and then blamed everything on me.

回答 (7)

2016-07-12 3:36 am
aww . i care .idk if ul listen or not but god is testing us to see if we can care aobut eeryone purely, love god and love good people who care when its hard. if u want a friend email [email protected] but please be careful online
2016-07-11 5:50 am
Be optimistic. Be positive with some philosophical outlook. If you always maintain perfect mental health conditions, it is possible to do so.
參考: own
2016-07-11 5:25 am
This is something important for you to know, because it will make you feel better and because whenever somebody is depressed, we worry about them doing irrational things. There's one thing that's amazingly simple but it works. When you're very upset, breathe *slowly* and *deeply* until you've calmed down. An expert recommends breathing in through the nose - 4 seconds, then out through the nose, 6 seconds. There are other things you can do when you're at wits end. Within reason, a little extra food helps, although binge eating doesn't help and especially not alcohol. Distractions - a funny movie, music. Any music that makes you feel better is good. Many people say a brisk walk around the block can do wonders, especially on a sunny day. The weather is getting great, and you'll love time outside.

What I'd caution you most about now is getting agitated. The suicidal feeling is a panicky feeling that you must act quickly, so the thing is to slow down and get calm. Don't let that feeling hustle you. You've got all the time in the world to work your problem out.

It may be that your friends and your girlfriend would work night and day to help you. The thing is, they're not mental health professionals, and that's what you should have right now.

Friends can help depressed people by having fun with them out in the fresh air and sunlight, getting exercise with them. Taking your mind off your problems, even for a little while, is therapeutic. That's some of the depression info you can read about in my answers. Feel free to click on my name and read.

DBT -coping in a moment of crisis

2016-07-11 5:13 am
About a year ago I was feeling suicidal and depressed and had anxiety too. Nobody noticed and I had no one to talk to because they wouldn't understand why I felt the way I felt. So finally I asked my father to look for a therapist and he did and I went to it. I stopped feeling suicial after a few months. But I still have anxiety and I'm still depressed. I will always be, it's just one of those problems that you can never get over. But that's just me. I don't go to a therapist because she wasn't a very good one.

All I'm trying to tell you is to go to a professional. I have been to 3 different ones and they have all helped me in different ways. You probably think that therapists won't help you, but trust me, they will. I not saying that I know exactly what you are going through, but I know how it feels to be suicial and depressed and have anxiety all at the same time.
2016-07-11 4:51 am
First, this is not your problem. Second, I am kinda in the same situation. My best friend moved to a different country and I was very sad about it because I was going into high school. But, things got better and I know they will for you too. Don't harm yourself. Just keep living life and it will all get better soon. Good luck!
2016-07-11 4:51 am
Listen you can always talk to God . He always listens no matter who likes you . Also if you got a dog there great to talk to
2016-07-11 4:56 am
The people you know, including your girlfriend, probably have a lot of problems of their own right now and don't have any philosophical advice that's worthwhile because the problems you present to them are very profound and not easily resolved by you, them, or anyone else. At times like this, when it does no good to complain or seek solace from others, you have to be your own best friend, confide in yourself and, using your greatest wisdom, decide whether there's anything that can be done right now about your problems and, if so, what it is that you should do. It might involve making an intelligent decision and then sticking by it; or it might involve communicating something to a particular person. Once you confide in yourself successfully and find peace of mind, you'll appreciate the meaning of "self-confidence."

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