why is nickelback the greatest band ever.?

2016-07-11 3:47 am
i mean the guys voice is so soothing. and he gets to my emotions

回答 (6)

2016-07-11 8:08 am
Se viro la troll-tilla! (the troll-omelette went upside-down)
2016-07-11 4:23 pm
I think they're gawdly.
2016-07-11 7:06 am
Say what you will about Nickelback, but they don't suck as much as Blink 182 and ANY BAND they inspired (like All Time Low)!
2016-07-11 6:02 am
If you say so.
2016-07-11 5:57 am
That's not even a band you moron
2016-07-11 3:58 am
While I wouldn't say they're the greatest band ever in my opinion, I don't get all the Nickelback hate. They have some great, profound lyrics and I agree that the singer has a great voice. Lately I've been especially fond of "Far Away".

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:53:22
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