fmla family leave?

2016-07-10 5:37 pm
my dad was in Western Europe for almost a month to take care of his mom and find her a care giver and during that time he also used his vacation time etc. his paid time
he is not going to be a day late for work since he missed his connecting flight by 10 mins. will he be in trouble because he missed a day of work and didnt tell his employers?

回答 (1)

2016-07-10 6:54 pm
FMLA is irrelevant. If he will be a day late because of travel issues, MOST companies will forgive him if he contacts them in advance. If he was able to let YOU know he missed the flight, there is no reason he, or you, can't contact his employer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:16:16
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