sex vs masturbation?

2016-07-10 3:14 pm
i am a virgin man , did not have sex with the woman ,i am just doing masturbation in front of porn and my age is 25 years old , really every time after masturbation, i always feel lazy,dissatisfied, unmotivated to do anything, bored and have no energy so my question is,
does having sex with a woman will also make me feel lazy and unmotivated to do any thing, i am so worried that the feeling after the sex will be the same feeling that i experience after masturbation !!! really it will be a problem for me!! so please help and advice me

回答 (4)

2016-07-10 5:45 pm
Having sex isn't as glamerous as porn. It's tiring, masterbation is easy, sex is harder. I feel tired afterwards and if it's mid day i have to go out and get burgers
2016-07-10 3:40 pm
sex with wife is not like masturbation that you
do anytime of the day or night
you have sex with wife once a week on Saturday
night and get up late on Sunday morning then your
body is recharged and you dont feel lazy,etc
then at 11am on Sunday have bhuna beef and parathas
2016-07-10 4:52 pm
Yes it will. After sex or masturbation its common to feel relaxed and lazy its why people masturbate or have sex before going to sleep.
2016-07-10 3:50 pm
Yes, since masturbation is simply solo sex- using your hand instead of a vagina for stimulation. But the overall physiological responses of your body are the same. When a guy climaxes and ejaculates endorphins are released in the brain that make you feel relaxed and calm, and that "lazy" feeling you describe. Many guys simply are so relaxed they go to sleep. But easy enough after ejaculating to just get up and move around right away- that quickly makes the relaxed sleepy feelings go away-- otherwise guys would not be able to have morning sex and a lot do. I just did a bit ago and not sleepy at all. Not really a problem, you just have to decide if you want to relax and enjoy the post-climax glow or get up and go do something.

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