Why do women get a get out jail free pass? http://m.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11579355?

2016-07-09 3:22 pm
You would have to read the article under stand my anger. If this article said a guy did it you would see society throwing key to jail cell or getting lethal injection. This only re forces mgtow philosophy and how gynocentric Society favors women gives them get jail free pass. What femmist or sjw would defend this monster of a woman. Should never get Rehabilitation or help but face death squad or prison life like a guy would. After reading this article I now understand women in any society will never get in trouble or face jail time. I like comments below and understand my anger after reading the article.

回答 (4)

2016-07-09 3:24 pm
Some countries go easier on female criminals because of gynocentrism. In some countries judges have been specifically told to go easier on female criminals.
2016-07-09 3:46 pm
Please stop ranting. It is hard to understand what your question is. I too am outraged at the sentence, too. I would never defend her.
At the same time, your rant about women getting jail time is nonsense. The world is full of far too lenient sentences, with both men and women getting away with crime.
2016-07-09 5:29 pm
You need to read the article. A woman who had been abused as a child, them groomed by a pedophile she met online, who then at the request of the pedophile made a one minute video of herself violating her sleeping infant would not be helped by a prison sentence (according to the judge). That judge gave his reasons, in the article. Clearly that woman is not likely to reoffend, as she will never regain custody of her children. She can't work in childcare, because her name will be publicized. If it had been a man in the exact same position, he would possibley receive some jail time, not because of sexism, but because we have knowledge about recidivism rates for male sex offenders versus female sex offenders. That is the likelihood of a convict to reoffend, once released.
2016-07-09 3:45 pm
Yeah, I can just see the judge saying that to me if I robbed a bank or something.

"Fro, you're a simple soul and prison would just keep you from being a productive citizen.". Yeah, sure.

This Sh' happens a lot and feminists ignore it in favor of trifling first world bull **** like 'manspreading'. Anyone who supports feminism is either A) just honestly clueless (some of the younger ones can be forgiven I suppose) or B) a bigot.

What? No feminists are going to show up and say anything? Can't bring yourselves to condemn a female pedo?

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