Ok, as I'm Scottish I don't know much about American politics so who is better, Trump or Clinton and why?

2016-07-09 2:04 pm

回答 (16)

2016-07-09 2:20 pm
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Trump seems like a big blowhard -- always spouting off whatever is on the mind of those who feel left out of the economy and society. Clinton is a 40 year political insider who apparently can't accept responsibility for anything, can't manage personnel, and lies about anything that isn't covering herself in glory.

Over here, we're living through the worst economic recovery since 1937 -- [the number of jobs created since 2010 is LESS than the increase in the working age population -- which plainly means that we have more people not working today than 6 years ago] -- and Clinton is DEFENDING this as a good result.

Like Britain as a whole, about half the American population is angry with the way the government has managed the economy. They're also angry about the lies, lies, and more lies the government issues when it tries to gloss over poor performance.

Brexit, as viewed from over here, was the triumph of those who have been left out over the defenders of the status quo.

Our election is shaping up as the same thing -- the defender of the status quo [who has stockpiled political favors and campaign dollars for years] versus a complete outsider who plainly says that this isn't working for far too many.

Sadly, both seem to favor economic isolationism and dislike free trade -- despite the mountains of economic evidence that free trade is good for jobs, wages, and the economy as a whole. [Clinton because she's financed, in large part, by unions that want protection from cheap imports and Trump because the poor in America see that their jobs went to China or Mexico and won't come back without high tariffs.]

Neither seems inclined to accept evidence of the causes of economic growth [and thus growth in jobs and wages] and both spout populist nonsense in that regard. This despite that the economics profession has largely agreed on these causes since 1995.

My thought is that this is a dismal period for America. Neither candidate's policies will help in the long run. Both will propose harmful policies and Congress will have to resist those policies.

That leads me to forecast at least four years of gloom here -- and the next recession is overdue already; which will increase the pressures to monetize more debt so the politicians can spend more on relief despite the future higher debt service that will require.

[God help us all if/when interest rates return to 'normal' -- neither your budget nor ours could withstand having to pay even five percent on the national debt ... much less the more normal seven percent.]
參考: i'm retired over here -- and it's going to be a rough ride
2016-07-09 2:08 pm
Both Clinton and Trump suck
2016-07-09 2:06 pm
Let's just put it like this:
In many previous elections, voters have been forced to choose between the lessor of two evils.
In the upcoming election, voters are being forced to choose between the lessor of two idiots
........ and, in consideration, that is one hell of a close contest.
2016-07-09 2:07 pm
We have more than two parties. I'm not voting for either Clinton or Trump.
2016-07-09 2:13 pm
Neither are a fit candidate for the office of President.
2016-07-09 2:09 pm

Shillary Clinton is nothing but a lying, swindling, money grubbing, thieving, murderous, conniving, Wall Street whore who is causing pandemonium right now with false accusations of racism, bigotry, and sexism.

She would say anything to get elected.
2016-07-09 2:06 pm
Trump. Clinton has been exposed as a corrupt fraud.
2016-07-09 2:15 pm
They are both terrible choices, but none of us know what the future holds. Voters will just have to pick the person who they think will do the least harm.. In America, that means most people will vote for the candidate on their team. Party voters vote for the party, not the candidate.
2016-07-09 2:19 pm
A lot of American's do not like either person running for the major parties. I do not think on is better than the other. I think one could be less worst than the other. That is sad, very sad.

There are many Republicans and Democrats that would of been an much better choice than either Trump or Clint, but they did not run for president. The choices from both parties this year was very sad.
2016-07-09 2:11 pm
Are you right wing or left? Trump is dividing the right wing w/ his extremism. Hillary (left wing) has been hounded by witch hunt ghosts for a long time but it's enough for some people to consider her untrustworthy. It's basically a contest between the lesser of 2 evils. Hillary has yrs. of political experience which has given us a window into what to expect. Trump has never been elected to public office (no window).
2016-07-09 2:09 pm
Trump is better because he truly wants to make America great again. He is a highly motivated businessman who will shake up the politics as usual mentality of Washington, DC. I don't trust Hillary at all. Your country looked very nice, at least Trump's resort that was televised.
2016-07-09 2:07 pm
Hillary Clinton
2016-07-09 2:07 pm
Trump because he actually addresses real issues
2016-07-09 2:21 pm
Clinton is a corrupt, evil person that has profited from her so called public service, she is worth over $200 million because she used her influence as Sec of State to get donations to the family charity and her husband Bill got hundreds of millions in speaking fees from countries where she gave them favorable deals.
2016-07-09 2:15 pm
They are both bad choices, but Clinton is a criminal while Trump is at worst a huckster.

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