Poll: Home coffee or coffee shop?

2016-07-09 1:26 pm
I used to enjoy coffee shop coffee more. Being a former barista however I can literally make my favorite thing at home... iced coffee

回答 (6)

2016-07-09 2:04 pm
2016-07-09 1:44 pm
Home for first thing in the morning or with my family. Coffee shop to enjoy a cup of coffee with friends.
2016-07-09 1:42 pm
Home coffee ! ( cant be nude at coffee shop )
2016-07-09 1:30 pm
I used to have a Keurig and it was nice but at 50 cents a cup plus 200 for the machine, it wasn't really a good deal. I don't drink a ton of coffee so it's just easier to go to a coffee shop. I do have some instant around for emergencies
2016-07-09 1:28 pm
Home coffee
2016-07-09 1:27 pm
Make me a cup ;)

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