What does my dream mean?

2016-07-08 9:32 pm
I had a dream that I had three friends, two boys and a girl. We went to town and tbh I can't really remember what else happened.

When I looked it up in my dream meaning book, it said that I want to know more about my friends, things like that. But I don't actually have any friends, so what does it mean?

回答 (5)

2016-07-08 10:21 pm
How did you feel about the people you were with? Were you comfortable with them? Were you attracted to any of them?

Maybe it's about your desire to have friends. Without knowing more about the dream and how you felt in it, it's difficult to try and interpret it.
2016-07-08 9:47 pm
The dream means you will grow in love and desire as time goes on and this will help you achieve your goals.
2016-07-08 9:39 pm
that means that u are going to have friends very soon but u don't know who they want to be friends with u. you will find out very soon don't worry.:)
2016-07-08 9:33 pm
It means someone is calling you a friend and they want to get to know you. You will find out soon! :)
2016-07-08 9:41 pm
hmmm sounds so interesting

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