Mengapa umat islam percaya kepada tuhan yang berkata dengan bersembunyi?
Yesaya 45:19. Tidak pernah Aku berkata dengan sembunyi atau di tempat bumi yang gelap. Tidak pernah Aku menyuruh keturunan Yakub untuk mencari Aku dengan sia-sia! Aku, TUHAN, selalu berkata benar, selalu memberitakan apa yang lurus."
Tuhan yang bisanya cuma berkata verbal, pasti cuma tuhan abal-abal.
回答 (7)
gw mau nanya bro, klo Tuhannya Musa as. bisa dilihat ga ?
Dia ada tapi ga bisa dilihat.
Dia ada tapi ga bisa dirasa/raba.
Dia ada tapi bukan kenyataan or klo bahasa kami itu masuk ke dalam alam ghaib (lawannya nyata).
Tuhan gw itu Tuhannya Musa as. ciri2nya sprt yg gw jabarin diatas.
Yg bisa BERAK kok dianggap sebagai tuhan, dasar GOBLOK
Coba tuliskan 1 ayat saja yg menyatakan kalau yesus menyebut atau di sebut tuhan?.. Jangan tafsir ( artinya), penjelasan tapi ayat yg benar benar menyebut yesus sebagai tuhan,karena kitab agama jika memang diturunkan untuk manusia harus benar benar bisa dimergerti oleh manusia secara akal sehat dan logika.klu nga buat apa diturunkan jika manusia susah untuk mengerti..?
Yang suka sembunyi di goa2 cuma iblis
2Ptr 2:4 Sebab jikalau Allah tidak menyayangkan malaikat-malaikat yang berbuat dosa tetapi melemparkan mereka ke dalam neraka dan dengan demikian menyerahkannya ke dalam gua-gua yang gelap untuk menyimpan mereka sampai hari penghakiman;
Mengapa umat islam percaya kepada tuhan yang berkata dengan bersembunyi? The BBC's defence and diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus said tensions between Nato and Moscow were "growing again".
"The aim at this summit is to try to convince the Russians that Nato means business; that after years of being more focussed on 'out of area' operations - Afghanistan and so on - Nato nations are now serious about their collective defence," he said.
"That means money and presence."
The UK is also to take over the leadership of Nato's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force in 2017, which will see 3,000 troops based in the UK and Germany join a 5,000-strong unit ready to move with as little as five days' notice.
It will involve the 20th Armoured Infantry Brigade, an armoured infantry battle group from the 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment and a light infantry battle group from the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards.
The prime minister is also to announce that Britain is to extend the deployment of four RAF Typhoon fighters with the Baltic Air Policing Mission.
And Mr Cameron, who is to stand down in September following the UK vote to leave the EU, will use his final Nato summit to underline the government's continuing commitment to meet the alliance's target of spending 2% of GDP on defence.
Formed in 1949 to counter the threat of post-war communist expansion as the Soviet Union sought to extend its influence in Europe, Nato - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - is the world's most powerful regional defence alliance and has a membership of 28 countries.
Maklum nemunya di goa hira sih, jadi gelap, kayak roh halus.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:59:31
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