how to download pokemon go in the philippines?

2016-07-08 12:05 pm

回答 (3)

2016-07-09 7:15 am
Do not even bother downloading the game or even the apk file. The game is not officially released in the Philippines as Niantic, the one who developed the game, blocked the servers in the Philippines when people were illegally downloading the game. If you downloaded the illegal apk file, delete it immediately as they block the phone and not the ip address on the phone. Just wait for the announcement if there is an official release. So far, Australia, New Zealand, and the US have the games out already. Japan might be the next one.
2016-07-09 4:14 am
click download
2016-07-08 12:39 pm
Click on this website. There are many websites showing you how to download it.

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