What does LOVE feel like?

2016-07-07 2:02 pm

回答 (40)

2016-07-09 4:09 am
It feels like heaven on earth when the love you feel for someone else is returned. When you feel the person you are in love with loving you back with the same amount of passion and energy that you are giving, it is beautiful, and amazing.
2016-07-08 11:01 am
It feels amazing and terrible at the same time. Comforting but scary. Soothing but stressful. It's sorta is like ying and yang in a way. It is nothing less than beautiful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone to not find it.
2016-07-07 4:35 pm
Love feels good, you think about that person all the time and want nothing more than to be with that person, but on the other hand love can make you crazy, it will make you do thing you would never think you were capable of.
2016-07-11 5:28 am
A Hopeful,Trusting Belief That this human has your back knowing that you have theirs.
A invested gift that you desire to impart your experiences,youth-old age.
True understanding and acquired pattern of knowledge that this person has qualities you want to reflect aswell.
This passionate heartfelt state of being invokes a contented cognitive drive desire and comfort.A longing a yearning a educated sense of mutual affection.
2016-07-11 4:16 am
It feels like something you've never had before that warm fuzzy tingly nervous feeling that can't really be explained better than what people call butterflies in there stomach love is something you cherish with few people you may say you love somebody but you only truly love very few people in your lifetime but when you feel it you'll know 😊
2016-07-10 5:35 pm
It feels warm like in a way that when you love somebody you feel isolated from the rest of the world and you and her are the only ones.
2016-07-10 11:25 am
happy, warm, uplifting. love is the positive force of life! It is the force that eliminates all negativity and illuminates the world around us.When a positive force of love is generated, it automatically replaces the old way of thinking. Love is what propels you to get up and do your favorite things in the morning. It is the ultimate force in the universe, because it is god intention for us to love one another. Love is what drives people to different places, from one place to another. Practice love in your daily life, like Jesus did. When you love a person, you will do anything for her/him. Like holding hands, giving a warm loving kiss, etc. That's all I can think of, at any rate.
2016-07-10 3:37 am
2016-07-10 1:14 am
At the time it was wonderful. I felt like everything that was going to happen to me from that point on would only contribute to me being happier. That was 4 years ago and losing it, to this day, is the most empty and painful experience that I feel at least 5 or 6 times a week.

It's all very selfish, really.
2016-07-09 12:11 am
Well, you will feel an amazing feeling, and when the other person feels the same, it will be equally amazing for them! When you are hugging, kissing, and intimate, that is the signature of love on the dotted line! It doesn't happen to everyone, because god plays favorites! He doesn't answer our prayers all the time. He forgets that we exist, and ignores some of us. :( but maybe he won't ignore you, and you can have love.

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