Attacked for not mowing my lawn!??

2016-07-07 11:10 am
I live in Illinois suburbs and we have a backyard and we didn t mow it , it s nothing crazy and it s our property , recently we got a letter saying "To neighbor" on the front inside saying "CUT YOUR GRASS!! You are a complete disgrace to this neighborhood and we will call associations on you everyday until you do." Honestly like who are these people to tell me how long to keep my grass . Is it illegal to not cut out grass the way they want us too if they call the "associations"?? What should we do . I ll cut my grass soon but I want to wait because I don t want them to think they bossed me around my own home. No hate answers just help!

回答 (18)

2016-07-08 10:15 pm
This is simple. You bought a house in an area with a home owners association. You agreed to follow the HOA rules when you purchased. You signed off that you had read the rules, though you either didn't or have forgotten.

Read the rule book that you agreed to follow. Live up to your written contractual agreement. Mow the lawn. Stop being a whiner. Don't be "that guy" that everyone points out as a bad example.

Or sell your house and move out to where there is no association.
2016-07-07 12:45 pm
Homeowner Associations can actually sic city code violation officers on people who refuse to cut their grass, at least here in TX. Because we have extremely dry, hot weather here in the summers (when the grass grows, of course), tall grass can be a fire danger. Also, we have a danger from snakes that hide in grass. I don't know about Illinois, but here we have laws about maintaining safe grass heights. We have some neighbors who don't have a lawnmower, so about once every month-six weeks, they get out their weed eater and "buzz' their back yard. The neighbors know that at least they're making an effort. Your neighbor sounds a little anal, but I would just cut the grass and avoid trouble. Being stubborn isn't worth "proving a point".
2016-07-07 1:30 pm
Find out what the legal height is in your municipality. Most places I know have a specific height above which can earn you a fine. Violation height could be 10 inches, 8, 7, even 12. So start by finding out exactly what the rule is there, because if your association has a height limit of 8" and your grass is only 6", then your neighbor is just annoyed and hoping that harassing you will get you to mow your lawn sooner.

Also, since you live there, and like longer grass, it would be smart to know when you're within you're rights concerning that.
2016-07-09 6:26 am
Every area has rules and if you dont cut your grass and keep your place neat, it just looks awful. Seems the standard these days is to cut your grass and trim it too.
2016-07-12 12:16 am
In many cities it is against the law to not mow the grass or cut the large bushes from a lot. I suggest you take care of it.
2016-07-10 6:34 am
I know you feel like you are being watched in your backyard, but you are going to feel even more violated when you get reported and the municipality issues you a citation. I would mow it before your property goes in file with the city or county as a code violation.
2016-07-07 11:33 am
Ok Yeah they just want the neighborhood looking nice and you haven't been doing your stuff BUT hey how about asking you nice like and giving you a chance instead of rushing in all guns blazing. It's gonna put anyone's back up they way they approach it. They can't make you cut the grass and they know it. Up to you what you do. How about cutting half of it and then when they complain again just tell them you were meeting them half way which is more than they did for you. Heck they don't know if you have a medical problem.
2016-07-08 2:31 am
Unless you are a member of a Homeowner's Association that has guidelines that you have to abide by in regard to how high your grass can be, neither your neighbor nor the City can force you to cut it.

Sure, the City might send you a form letter, informing you that you are in violation of a city code about how high your grass can be. If they do that, just call them back & tell them you are crippled and you can't mow the grass yourself, but you are perfectly willing for it to be mowed, if they want to come out and mow it themselves, and you will be perfectly happy to pay them for doing so. They won't ever show up, and that will be the last you'll hear about it.

The whole thing is going to be moot pretty soon anyway. Soon, it's going to get so hot that the grass will all die and none will grow until next Spring.
2016-07-07 1:21 pm
Some people love grass for reasons that defy reason. If you belong to an HOA, you have to do it or they can fine you. Thank god, I live in a run down neighborhood and no one cares.
2016-07-08 2:45 am
To keep everything tidy is a rule and as a specific community which might require every house-holder to keep his or her premise tidy especially the outside view; as a result, that would affect the evaluation of the realty or real estate of that community.

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