Isn't not being someones type the same as not being attractive to her?

2016-07-07 5:09 am
Is are they both the samething? Is there a difference? and if theres a difference, whats the difference?

回答 (3)

2016-07-07 5:20 am
She might be attracted to you and think you look nice but not be into you and be into different things than you.
2016-07-07 5:18 am
Not necessarily. When one is attractive, this suggests appearance or physical characteristics whereas when one is someone's type, it suggests their personalities are compatible regardless of how attractive s/he finds the other person.
2016-07-07 5:14 am
its the same thing ---- except that there is no such thing as a "type" ---- we either like someone or we dont its easy dont try to complicate things

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