Is economics an employable major?

2016-07-06 11:29 pm
I'm seriously thinking about majoring in economics. I'm just wondering if it's a major employers look to employ? For example, employers love computer science majors. However, it's very difficult to be hired as an english major. Where does economics fall in that? What kind of job could I expect from being an economics major? (I know if you go to graduate school it changes, but what can you expect with just a bachelors degree in economics?)

回答 (5)

2016-07-08 7:33 am
You can get a very high paying job with that.
2016-07-08 12:58 am
A business job in finance, stocks or managing the money side of a y business.
2016-07-07 1:15 am
Economics major has a wide knowledge. He/she can do anything to get rich or to help the poor. But you will have less friends.
2016-07-06 11:48 pm
You're better off to take accounting. When I was laid off from a big company a few years ago, everyone in the accounting department were offered jobs by other companies.
2016-07-06 11:32 pm
I would pursue a degree in Accounting instead.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:13:55
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