how do i convince my parents to get me a dog?!?

2016-07-06 7:49 pm
I've been begging for a dog since probably when i found out what a dog is. most kids parents cave in after 12 years but mine seem to be sticking with their word. neither are allergic but both hate the idea of an animal inside the house especially because it will shed or have a few accidents around the house.

回答 (27)

2016-07-07 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hey! There are many ways to convince...
1.) write a power point
2.) explain how the dog will help you
3.) be able to cover the dog financially (yes, this is possible, but it will take a lot of work)
4.) prove to them that you are responsible enough (whether that is with grades, plants, siblings, and more)
5.) try getting a smaller pet like a fish and show them you can take great are of your fish and keep it alive a long time
6.) don't beg (dogs are all about responsibility, take a responsible approach)
7.) DO YOUR HOMEWORK (before I could get my German shepherd puppy I did research on a bunch of breeds, training, and costs for an entire year, plus another year to find the perfect one if you want it bad enough you will too)
8.) make sacrifices (you gotta loose to gain)

It really all boils down to knowing your stuff and responsibility, if they don't want the dog/puppy than you have to prove that they won't have it, you will. Just follow my list and you will stand a chance. Good luck!!!
參考: Myself, I was there once. Same thing, turned out to be a success so this guide should help tremendously.
2016-07-06 8:57 pm
And no matter how much crying and begging you do it is not going to change.
Grow up, get a education, and a job, and a house of your own and then you can have all the dogs you want.
2016-07-06 7:57 pm
They don't WANT a dog, and they're not going to give you one.
2016-07-06 8:13 pm
You can't. You've tried begging and that isn't working so you need to just try something new and different...dropping it! It will show your maturity rather than your constant immature begging like a 4 year old. Some parents are weak and stupid enough to give in and give their kids what they want in order to shut them up rather than putting their foot down and making very clear to their children that no really does mean NO! That is how spoiled, overly entitled brats are created.

Just because you're a kid doesnt' man you're "entitled to" or "owed" a pet. Pets are a luxury, NOT a "right".
2016-07-06 8:23 pm
Stop begging, it's very immature. Their house; their rules. Except.... you could work on getting extended family on your side. It is well-known that owning and looking after a dog produces kids that nurture and turn out to be life's winners rather than losers. Your parents will need to be looked after in their old age, they'll also need to feel confident that you'l be the kind of person who can look after their own children one day. They'd rather have a kid that looks after a dog than one that turns to stupid drugs out of boredom...
2016-07-06 9:36 pm
Drop it

I got a puppy at 10, failed.

A few years later I got my own dog at 18, and am struggling

It's not fun and games.
2016-07-06 9:00 pm
You turn 18, get a job and get your own place. They don't want a dog, they don't want the expense, they don't want the messes that come with owning a pet, and they don't want to be stuck with a dog when you move out or go to college
2016-07-06 7:52 pm
Show them that you are responsible. Start making your bed in the morning, picking up your room and doing your homework without being asked. Take out the garbage and brush your teeth, again without having to be told to. If they see that you are growing to take responsibility for things that you should they may reconsider.
2016-07-07 12:58 am
then when you are an adult, move out and you can have as many dogs as you can afford to care for. They don't want a dog. Respect that and quit bugging them, they said NO
2016-07-06 11:24 pm
You don't. Respect your parents decision. Their house, their rules, live with it or move out.
2016-07-06 9:46 pm
They dont want one and thats that! End of story! Why not volunteer to walk the homeless dogs at your local animal rescue?Do you have a friend or neighbour who will let you spend time with their dog?
2016-07-07 2:57 am
So, I'm guessing you're a teenager, right? Dogs poop, pee, shed, and chew things to little pieces. You have to be a real dog-lover (like me) to put up with one. Your parents don't sound like they fit the bill and frankly, you seem a little too young to take full responsibility for a dog. Can you pay its vet bills if it gets sick? Are you going to clean up after it every time? No, you're going to grow up, move out of the house, and if you can't take the dog with you, your parents are stuck with it. Stop nagging them. I wish they would let you get one, but it's not going to happen.
2016-07-06 7:57 pm
Show them your responsible .
2016-07-07 7:24 am
You don't convince them. You quit your childish whinging and move on with your life. What are you going to do when you're an adult and don't get what you want when you want it? Beg, whinge, and be a bother like you're being with your parents?. Your parents said NO and so you should respect that. They don't want or need an animal in their home . They don't want that responsibility and they don't want that cost. Dogs aren't cheap to keep. If you're that desperate to hang around and work with dogs then go volunteer at a shelter or rescue if you're of age. Then when you're an adult and have moved out you can think about getting a dog YOU can handle and that YOU can afford.
2016-07-06 8:48 pm
Well my mum was like that but she was allergic to dogs that shed hair but she finally gave in. To get her to give in well first my auntys micro pig was pregnant and pigs are my favourite animal so I told my mum I would never talk to her again if I don't get one (which I suggest u shouldn't say) then my mum gave in and said she'll get me one. But we where looking up the laws and u needed to live in a farm to have one (which is where my aunty lives) so I couldn't get one. My mum felt bad for me and she said I could get a dog. We got a Chorkie (chihuahua Yorky mix) which has a very little shedding coat and she's tiny. But just say to ur parents I'll do everything for it like feeding it walking it cleaning up after it and hopefully they will give in but some parents are different so I don't really know. Sorry if this doesn't make sense probably doesn't but meh.
2016-07-06 7:53 pm
Tell them about the benefits of having a dog such as they lower blood pressure and get you more active because of having to walk them
2016-07-07 5:30 pm
You can't. They don't want a dog and they've made it very clear that they don't want a dog. So, be respectful, stop nagging. It's their money, their house and their time.

So, when your an adult, with a job of your own, a home of your own, you can go and get any kind of dog you want.
2016-07-07 4:18 pm
This is what I did. Be super nice, do everything they say and complement them everyday. When ever they need something get it for them. Then if you know anyone else with a dog take photos of you bing happy with the dog and show them how much fun you had or if they are with you at a park or something then play with the dogs and show them how awesome you are with them. Another tactic I used is go on rescue website and show them the sad puppies living there with no family, no one can resist a cute puppy ;) well that's what I did and it worked XD
2016-07-07 12:55 am
but both hate the idea of an animal inside the house especially because it will shed or have a few accidents around the house.
2016-07-07 6:25 am
Well before you ask, make sure you are ready. I know you have heard this. When I first got a dog I thought it would be simple. But it takes much more responsibility than one might think. And if you really think that you can handle a dog, it's time to ask. Ask them at a stress free time when they are in a good mood and not busy. This way, you have their full attention. If they say no, don't throw a fit. They will think you are irresponsible and that will make it worse. Just say ok and end it there. Don't keep asking because this could irritate them. Maybe do some chores to show that you can handle many tasks. And remember, BE PATIENT.
2016-07-07 6:07 am
Lookit, I'd love to get a dog too but I'm not in a position to have one either, even tho I can afford one and all, I just don't have the time it takes to be a responsible owner.

I like the advice P gave, volunteer or play with a friend's dog. Maybe if your parents see you are a responsible volunteer, picking up dog poo at the shelter, they might change their minds. Or you might change your mind about having one, when you find out just how hard it is to clean up after a dog.
2016-07-09 4:47 am
First off, do realize that PROPER car of a dog is very time consuming and also really expensive. I got 'my' first dog at 13, (I'm currently 15, and I say my in quotes because I've had dogs in the past, none of which were 100% mine) and she's changed my life so much. Do realize that you're bringing another creature in for you to care for, it's almost like having a kid. A dog shouldn't be an impulsive buy, there are many supplies that need to be bought, and a lot of research that needs to be done on proper care before you get a dog. If you still want one there are plenty of other replies that give good advice on how to convince your parents
2016-07-07 9:33 pm
You shouldn't even have a dog until you're responsible enough to move out of your parents basement
2016-07-07 5:41 am
Keep bringing it up everyday and say how it would benefit the household I did it when I was 11 got a dog for Christmas that year.
2016-07-07 3:21 am
If you feel you are capable to take on the responsibility and NOT your parents, write an essay to them. It worked for me. include EVERYTHING they need to know.
2016-07-07 6:38 am
Even i had the same problem but i somehow convinced them
But u have to take responsibility it is not that easy u think
U have clean his potty every till the dog is trained and enjoy will turn into burdens
If u love dog buy trained one
2016-07-07 3:29 am
Honestly, just stop trying. They haven't budged at all. You are probably a teenager, just wait a little more until you move out. Once you move out, get a good paying job, and settle down, hen get one. Trust me, I'm not 18 or anything but I've had one dog (he passed) and it's expensive and work. That dog wasn't a lot of work, he was a good dog but still, dogs are work. Especially puppies. Now I have an 11 week puppy and oh my god it is SO MUCH WORK. So wait it's for the better :)

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