so what would be the advantage of using a private server? u know, like why hillary used one?

2016-07-05 9:00 pm

回答 (12)

2016-07-05 9:03 pm
To illegally hide her other illegal activities. That is the only reason that makes any sense. And it has been born out by the facts, as published by people such as Peter Schweizer.
2016-07-05 9:03 pm
The advantage of using a private server u know, like what hillary used is to hide your communications from the Freedom of Information Act.
2016-07-05 9:05 pm
The advantage is hiding all your communications as Secretary of State so they cant be released
in an investigation and reveal something than can be used against you when you run for President.
2016-07-05 9:04 pm
to secretly evade the emails from the eyes of those in the security department
2016-07-05 9:03 pm
Only two reasons, convenience, and to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests.
2016-07-05 9:03 pm
To conceal official communications from lawful Congressional oversight as well as Freedom of Information requests from citizens.

There is no other reason.

And, for you moonbats who are claiming Hillary used a private server for the purpose of political communications, she had no other choice.

It is a violation of the Hatch Act for a politician to use a government system for communications between "political operatives and donors".

The issue isn't with her political emails on a private server. It is her official emails that are the problem.
2016-07-05 9:02 pm
Private accounts are popular with politicians because they spend a huge deal of time communicating with political operatives and donors. They don't want the public record to show that they spend like 40% of their time communicating with political allies and fundraisers, and they don't want to have to explain why they have like 400 emails back and fourth with NRA lobbyists, and only like 2 with people who are concerned about gun violence, for example.

When Karl Rove was chief of staff he used a private account at the RNC instead of his official Whitehouse account, to conceal these dealings from the public. So did condaleeza rice. Colin powell used AOL.

That's why so many people use private accounts.
2016-07-05 9:30 pm
Having a government e-mail means that what you send and receive on-line can be documented and traced while being protected on a secure server. It does not take much intelligence or brains to realize why there is a secure server for government employees.

Which leads us to why did Hillary send and receive information through a non-secure server? So she could do so without having her communications be accessible to anyone who cared to check.

She knows better but is playing stupid because she was up to no good, as usual.
2016-07-05 9:02 pm
Because you can wipe it clean when the FBI comes calling.
2016-07-05 9:19 pm
To keep her emails private.....
2016-07-05 9:14 pm
- you can back your own data
- you can use it for a VPN proxy
- you can have the files on the drive encrypted
- you can speed (RAID)
- servers are usually reliable and don't fail, and if they do, they fail safely
- servers have more capabilities than just file storage
- servers are designed for good tape backup (yes, people still use digital tape), encrypted or otherwise
- they can be used for VOIP

The thing is, everybody thinks she was doing something wrong. I guarantee you that it's not only the Secretary of State that is privy to a special server. I have a special server. Does that mean I'm guilty too? Actually you have a special server, the switch connected to your computer.
2016-07-05 9:02 pm
Get over it, dumbass, and Move On.

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