Would you contact an ex who cheated on you?

2016-07-04 11:25 pm
Just want to know some opinions. Me and my girlfriend were planning on getting married this year, her idea. She was my best friend. Then I found out she was cheating on me and I haven't heard a word from her since. Not even an apology. It's been two months. I don't want her back but part of me at least wants to have her in my life and know how she is. She deleted all of her social media too so there is literally no way of knowing about her unless one of us reaches out.

回答 (4)

2016-07-04 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No way!! Why on earth would i give the person who shoot me emotionally the same gun to do it again? Thats crazy if you ask me. By keeping an ex around; it will only make things worse. If she was thinking about you or truly loved you; she wouldn't have cheated. She's not worried about how you are feeling; so why should you be worried about her. What she did to you was not love. I understand how hurt you are because i been cheated on too. The best thing you can do is be around positive people & things that make you happpy right now. She's not worth your energy or love. Please don't let this get you down ok. Stay strong pal & Happy 4th Of July! 😊
2016-07-04 11:32 pm
I'd never contact a ex who cheated on me. It's there loss and I have more self respect and worth to do that.
2016-07-04 11:36 pm
Friendships are like being pregnant, either you are or you arent and there is not much in between. You broke off a relationship because of infidelity, a breach in trust, and as a result have kept her at arms length but you still want to be friends with her. You can't really have it both ways. You either have to forgive her, realise you dodged a bullet or decide the relationship is not worth pursuing because of trust issues, and she is now in the "friendzone". Only you can decide what you want to do, no one here as they dont know your situation directly.
2016-07-04 11:36 pm
I have had 3 GF cheat on me and each one told me about it, themselves.
We talked and stayed together.
My advantage was that we had talked about this BEFORE we became a serious couple.

In my past, 3 of my girlfriends cheated on me and told me on their own about 3 months after the incident. When they finished, they each asked if I was mad.
I wasn't, so I said "No, but I now have a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card".
They asked "Whats that?"
I told them "If I ever cheat on you or make a mistake, YOU CANNOT say anything to me about it."
They all said the same thing. "That's NOT Fair".
I just replied. "And YOU Cheating Was?". End of story.

When we first got together, they all asked me "If I would ever cheat on them?" The Right answer is "No Honey I would never do that to you… I love you." Thats the RIGHT answer.
The Truth is "YES I WOULD." They were all Shocked. I explained to them; "That if Miss America was in town and we met and She Just Had Too Have SEX With Me… I'm going for it.
I will gladly pay the price later, because things like that, NEVER happen to me, so I'm NOT passing up a fluke opportunity like that." I explained to them that they would also Cheat On Me. They all said "NO I WOULD'NT. I don't cheat when I'm in a Relationship with someone."

I gave them this example: One day You maybe Mad at Me, Drunk, Dared, Stupid, Horny, Lonely or be approached by a Smooth Operator. Someone who knows, how to pick up women and gain their cooperation. These things happen. Cheating happens. We are Human Beings and can give into Curiosity,Temptation and/or Stupidity.
It's good that we talk about this so if it ever happens, WE KNEW it was possible.
Then we will talk again.

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