My mom saw something on my phone that I'm kinda embarrassed about...please help?

2016-07-04 10:42 pm
I went in the other room, and I guess my phone was still turned on. I don't know for sure if she saw what was open on my phone, but she might have.
In the "notes" app on my iphone, I made a note about all of the things I wanted to accomplish this summer. It may not sound like a big deal, but the things I wrote were VERY personal.
should I feel embarrassed? my mom probably won't say anything about it, but I'm still embarrassed.

回答 (4)

2016-07-04 10:49 pm
ever hear of pencil & paper ??? that is where you should have notes that you want no one to see
2016-07-26 9:11 am
Depends on what you consider personal. If it just personal to you then I you should not be, it is your mom. If it is guy related as in bf or you like girls or something like that, she may have figured some of it out already. If she is concerned she will find a way to talk to you about it. AS far as writing things on paper like someone said, that can be found also. lol anything written or on your phone, email, text ect can be seen. If you are worried about people seeing things, then make MENTAL notes and keep them locked up in your brain. Other wise don't stress about the little things.
2016-07-04 10:53 pm
It depends on what you wrote and how old you are, your mum was young once and knows what thoughts go through young peoples heads, what ever you said it's been said before and what ever you did it's been done before, unless it's illegal or it could hurt some one there is nothing you can think of that hasn't been done before by young people.

All parents were kids a long time ago but they remember the things they got up to as well, try not to worry about it, no need to feel embarrassed.

I'm a Grand father but I still remember the things I did when I was young
2016-07-04 10:47 pm
Nah. your mom wont ask you about every detail of your notes. Dont worry, and just play peeps! :)

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