What are some ways you motivate yourself to read a book?

2016-07-04 8:14 pm
I have a book to read and an essay due, but I REALLY don't want to read this book because it bores me, anyone have any tips or ways to motivate me.

回答 (6)

2016-07-04 8:25 pm
Grades = Education = opportunity = money = freedom.


Laziness = laziness = poor = boredom = .... a nothing life with a life of nothing.
2016-07-04 8:16 pm
Don't. Go and fry potatoes for the rest of your life.
2016-07-04 8:46 pm
Take it a day at a time. schedule yourself with the chapters. and just read it. or do what other students do and cheat. But you may regret it later.
2016-07-04 8:23 pm
Get locked up in jail. I always read books when I am locked up.
2016-07-04 9:03 pm
If you don t want to read please don t try to generate forced motivation . However if there is any compelling reason for you to read that particular book , then you will have to grasp the subject while reading. In other words please don t read only with your eyes but also with your mind. It will be difficult initially , but you will gradually get into the grove. After that you will be able to read the entire book. Taking notes will help. But in order to read , you have to start reading even without desire to read .
2016-07-04 8:39 pm
a good way to finish a book you don't want to read is to pull up the audio book on youtube. Read a chapter on your own, and then listen to a chapter. Also, set goals. Tell yourself, "If i read two chapters, I'll give myself a piece of cake." or, "If i read until the end of this section, I'll watch tv for fifteen minutes."

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:28:39
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