What is detoxing?

2016-07-03 8:46 pm
Ok so I have been trying to cut the fat from my muscle for ages and am almost there but have a little bit to go. I have seen these things called "14 day green tea detox"

What exactly are they and how do they work? ???Will i lose muscle if I use them?

I am going on holiday in 2 weeks so will I look better after?

Can someone plz clear up the above ^^ cheers x

回答 (2)

2016-07-03 9:34 pm
It's a fad that will waste your money and do nothing for your body.
2016-07-03 8:47 pm
It's a myth. The idea is that it someone removes "toxins" from your body.

It won't.

Your liver does a good job of removing toxins. Adding green tea won't help. Fasting won't help.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:13:43
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