In writing is it okay to keep changing the voice?

2016-07-03 8:13 pm
There's something I'm going to write but the way I've planned it, it will begin from third person view.
Then it'll become first person from the view of the main character (which will be written from throughout the majority of the book.)
Then I plan on changing to some of the other characters throughout the book but not as often.

My question; is this common and can it be done to a point in which could one day be published? I don't think I've read many books that change the view frequently but I think I can do it smoothly so that it works. But will a publisher turn me down if I do this?

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2016-07-03 9:03 pm
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It's not all that common, or that easy, and you should really read several such books to see how professionals do it before you try to pull it off. One book I'm reading right now that does this is "The Anchoress" by Robyn Cadwallader. The book is told mostly in limited third-person, but some chapters are told in first person in the voice of the title character.
2016-07-03 8:15 pm
Illegal under the terms of the Fiction Act (1992)

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