What volume in cm to the power of 3 is occupied by a block of wood: 35.0 m x 20.0 cm x 400 mm? P.S KINDLY ANSWER and I NEED FUTHER EXPLAIN?

2016-07-03 2:34 pm

回答 (3)

2016-07-03 3:02 pm
Volume occupied by the block of wood
= (35.0 m) × (20.0 cm) × (400 mm)
= (35.0 × 10 cm) × (20.0 cm) × (400/10 cm)
= 350 × 20.0 × 40.0 cm³
= 280,000 cm³
2016-07-03 2:58 pm
What is this sign ^??
2016-07-03 2:40 pm
3500 x 20 x 40 cm^3
do the multiplication
Note: no real block of wood would be that long!

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