Is it true women push guys they may like away?

2016-07-03 2:40 am
This girl I'm talking to said she started having feelings for me and is pushing me away because she doesn't want to and she also has a kid, supposedly said on the 13th is going to rehab for drinking. She's only 18.....

So if she's not trying to hurt my feelings and doesn't want me? Why is she always calling me to have sex? I told her to stop cause I'm liking her and we act like a couple, but then she told me this? I dont get it.

回答 (4)

2016-07-03 2:46 am
Personally I have never pushed away a guy I was actually into and I don't have any friends that have done so either... It sounds like she doesn't want you and is trying not to hurt your feelings.
2016-07-03 2:51 am
Not unless they are deeply screwed up. In which case, you should be thankful they are pushing you away.

She has feelings and doesn't want to.
THIS means she is not in control of herself, cannot handle problems well, and cannot make relationships work.
Ah... she has a drinking problem. And she has a child at only 18. That explains a lot.
2016-07-03 2:47 am
Yes.Some girls who are shy have a habit of doing that.Forget them.Other girls have a variety of excuses. For someone 18 and going to rehab thats a really bad sign.
2016-07-03 2:47 am
she's protecting you from her.. give her space

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