Are my parents emotionally abusing me? Am I wrong to treat them with yelling, what should I do?

2016-07-02 10:52 pm
I'm 15. My father routinely yells at me for not doing something he wants. He is like a faucet, one minute affectionate, and the next yelling at me to leave. In front of his family, every time I express an opinion he is the first one to debunk my theory... usually saying I'm too young and inexperienced. Then his family laughs at me. At home, he simply ignores my opinion, or cuts me off. If I ask a question, and he miraculously answers, it'll always be short and not actually answer the question. Then, because I'm curious I ask more and if I'm lucky he usually yells the answer...but sometimes he also calls me a dimwit. My mother neglects that my worries are even there. She ends up screaming at me for doing something wrong. They don't care about anything I say emotionally. they'll tolerate it for a sec, then ask about my test scores. They'll give me the silent treatment of it isn't good. Apologies are never given from dad. They are also racist, basing off skin color. I get screamed at if I stand up.

Im not proud to say this, but when my parents do that, I yell and call them stupid because if I don't, they'll call me that. father starts cussing in Chinese at me. I can't just let them walk over me, I've tried to plead for them to listen to me, and dad cuts me off. Dad has no respect for me, and very little for my mother. Every time after I yell, I always feel drained and dirty because I love my parents they sacrificed so much. Is there something wrong with me? What should I do?

回答 (5)

2016-07-02 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is NOTHING wrong with you. That sound very tough. I haven't had this experience before but I suggest you try to tell them about it and how you feel( if that works because I Know you said they don't listen) then if that doesn't work I think you should definitely tell a teacher who you trust or anyone else who you trust! I hope this helped! Hopefully things get better in the future
2016-07-02 10:58 pm
It is hard living with family.
It sounds like your dad has his own issues, so its not your fault.
Maybe try staying calm and rising above it. If you have to stand up for yourself don't yell, try talking calmly so won't turn into an argument
2016-07-02 11:05 pm
You shouldn't be so one sided with your question... First off you are only naming the problems you have. What does your dad and mom work as? What have they sacrificed? And if they are truly this mean too you. Ask them this and this will open their eyes. "Did you have me born on this planet just to yell at me and cut me off? Instead of debunking my theorys and calling me inexperienced than why don't you teach me? Isn't that what a parent is being all about?" Bonus points if they don't have great jobs either. "You are calling me inexperienced when you work (Inset $10,000 salary job here)." Either you do this or you ask them why he calls you stupid or inexperienced.
2016-07-02 11:02 pm
The don't respect you. You don't respect them. What a lovely household. And what is this 'his family' nonsense? They are your family too.
2016-07-02 10:56 pm
sounds like it, maybe you should talk to cps about it, they might move you

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