Would You Have a Threesome?

2016-07-01 7:38 pm
If you were truly in love with your significant other, would you be open/willing to share your partner with another individual? Be honest.

回答 (7)

2016-07-01 8:36 pm
hell no!
2016-07-01 8:09 pm
dont sell your wife
it makes her ugly
2016-07-01 8:06 pm
No I wouldn't because he could catch feeling and so could i therefore its not worth it
2016-07-01 7:59 pm
2016-07-01 7:59 pm
Nope! That's for the great "I WANT" and has nothing to do with "truly in love". "I WANT" is just that.

I love my husband quite dearly. His first three marriages involved "sharing" each other with others. They all went bad pretty darn quickly with lots of hurt feelings. We've a monogamous relationship that has lasted more than twice as long as his previous marriages all added up together. Applied logic.
2016-07-01 7:45 pm
Honestly, probably not. I am a girl, and if my boyfriend and I were to have a threesome, it'd most likely be with another girl because that's what generally happens. And call me possessive, but I do not want my boyfriend touching another girl. And it may seem unreasonable to him, but if I were to ask him the same question to have a threesome with another guy I can guarantee he would say no because he doesn't want another guy touching me. So no, I wouldn't have a threesome with someone I'm truly in love with. If I didn't really care much for them, I would consider it.
2016-07-01 7:42 pm
Nope, it can cause problems in the relationship.

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