UKRAINE is collapsing economically and politically. do you care or not?

2016-07-01 7:09 pm

ukraine population is dropping fast. from 52 million in 1990 to 42.6 million today. the currency and economy has plunged The per capita nominal GDP is only 1800 per person vs 57,000 in the usa. Its really breaking down. Its aging fast and war and conflict with russia is worsening the issue. the issue now is do outsiders care anything about ukraine economic and political state. it seems things will keep going down

回答 (15)

2016-07-01 7:12 pm
not really. ukraine is collapsing because it simply cant sustain on its own. after the soviet union collapse in the early 1990s, it started failing quickly. it cant compete or do much now
2016-07-01 10:55 pm
Many are coming to the United States to work and sending money back home. It is a shame.
2016-07-01 7:15 pm
I care that part of its territory was illegally stolen by Russia. I care that many people in Ukraine believe in freedom and democracy and want to join the EU, but then I think, how can they? Plenty of people in the West don't even believe in freedom and democracy anymore. Just look at Brexit. Look at Trump. So do I care? I want to, but at the same I feel like what difference does it make anyways when there's extremists right on our doorsteps. We can't help our weaker friends until we fend off the enemies from within.
2016-07-07 1:57 am
Dont care.
2016-07-02 12:31 am
Ukraine has been collapsing for a while
2016-07-01 7:29 pm
USA collapsing under the growing weight of socialism.

More immediate and present Danger.
2016-07-01 8:31 pm
The EU will bankroll Ukraine until Putin falls.
2016-07-01 7:39 pm
It has been that way since the American-backed revolt in 2013 and coup d'etat in Feb 2014 and Poroshenko election in May 2014. The IMF and U.S. has given the Ukraine millions of dollars but they have incompetent managers and oligarchs running the place, have killed 8,000 of their countrymen in the Donbass, and still wont obey Minsk agreements, even though they now have trade with Europe. Thank Goodness they are not in the EU. The U.S. has officials working in the Kiev parliament, special forces in western Ukraine, and as usual, the U.S. has spent a fortune and made a mess of yet another country.
2016-07-01 7:18 pm
yes, ukraine is in deep decline. Its an eastern european country and these countries have never truly been rich or developed. They have always lagged their western european neighbors. It will not change. Ukraine has never been a first world country. now with usa, china, latin america, and globe catching up, it will never reach first world status
2016-07-01 7:15 pm
no its extremely odd. the people of ukraine are very pale white. the ukraine people are some of most white people on earth. there country should indeed not be so third world. But this is an example as to how being white is no guarantee of economic success. the country poverty and food insecurity is growing substantially now. Many homeless and on drugs now. Its really little hope for ukraine. without Nato, russia would try to take over ukraine

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