What should my normal weight be?

2016-07-01 12:13 am
I'm on weight watchers to lose weight and to feel better about myself. I'm obese and I have a lot of weigh to lose. I'm 29 years old, my height is 4'11 before I gained all this weight, I had small waist, big hips, big thighs, big boobs and big butt. Now they are even bigger lol I just want to know what is normal weight for me.

回答 (3)

2016-07-01 1:47 am
You should not be over 100 lbs. you can lose 10 lbs/mo with this plan: Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, salads, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, whole grain cereals and drink lots of water. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, greasy foods, sodas, coffee, starches....And, of course, exercise.
2016-07-01 12:57 am
A healthy weight for a woman your age and height would be between 93 and 123 pounds depending on muscle mass and bone density.
2016-07-01 12:20 am
90 - 110 lbs would be considered within range for a 4' 11" female.
2016-07-01 12:17 am
Less than a 100 lbs should be a normal weight for someone 4'11''

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